BASIS Independent Schools is a national network of PreK–12 private, secular schools that educate students to the highest international levels. Our eight campuses, located in some of the most bustling, dynamic metropolitan areas in the country, are part of the BASIS Curriculum Schools global network. Since the first campus opened in 1998, BASIS Curriculum Schools are consistently recognized as some of the most accelerated and top performing schools in the world. BASIS Independent Schools, whether in Silicon Valley or in the heart of Manhattan, is united by a shared mission:Our mission is to educate students to the highest international levels with a spiraling liberal arts and sciences curriculum benchmarked to the best education systems in the world.Our advanced curriculum, unmatched in breadth and depth, prepares students with the content knowledge, critical thinking, and self-advocacy skills needed to be successful throughout their education and well beyond.Our passionate, expert teachers are unwavering in their belief that with hard work, the right support, encouragement, and inspiration, any child can excel.We are committed to a joyful learning culture where hard work is celebrated and intellectual pursuits result in extraordinary outcomes.