Middle and Upper Learning Librarian and Media Specialist
The Galloway School
Posted: 24-Jan-25
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Type: Full Time
Salary: Based on experience
Library/Media Specialist
Preferred Education:
The Middle and Upper Learning Librarian & Media Specialist provides the leadership and expertise necessary to ensure that the library program in the Middle and Upper levels is aligned with the mission, goals, and objectives of The Galloway School, and is an integral component of the learning/instructional program, seeking new and inventive ways to bring members of the community into the library, and library concepts and resources to the community.
The Middle and Upper Learning Librarian understands Galloway’s mission to draw students joyfully into learning and oversees a library program that is engaging and challenging to all students, faculty, and the Galloway community. The Middle and Upper Learning Librarian partners with the Early Learning Librarian to support Galloway’s mission and ensure that programming is appropriately scaffolded Pre-K to grade 12.
Program Administrator
Create an environment conducive to active learning, collaboration, and creative problem-solving
Manage and expand the Research curriculum map for Middle and Upper Learning (ML/UL)
Share expertise through presentations to school constitutencies
Maintain timely communication with stakeholders
Stay current with professional practices, technologies, and educational research relevant to school library programs
Establish efficient procedures and strategies for the library program, aligned with Galloway’s strategic plan
Develop and maintain an inviting, safe, and inclusive library environment
Ensure equitable access to library facilities and resources
Empower students as critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, and ethical information users
Develop and share policies on material selection, circulation, copyright, privacy, and acceptable use
Collaborate with faculty on summer reading selections, purchasing, distribution, and LibGuides creation
Develop quarterly programming aligned with school-wide themes or faculty collaboration (e.g., Banned books activity in September; Poetry activity in April)
Collect and analyze data on library usage and engagement
Support the Book Fair
Manager of Library Resources
Oversee the library budget, including orders, transactions, and reconciliations
Select, order, and process new materials and equipment
Maintain circulation and collection records using the Follett Destiny system
Catalog and prepare new materials for the collection
Organize and maintain library spaces and conduct inventories as needed
Follow up on overdue books and manage payment for lost items
Repair, donate, and discard books as appropriate
Instructional Partner and Teacher for Middle and Upper Learning
Collaborate with teachers and staff to design dynamic learning experiences using library resources
Foster a love of reading and intellectual curiosity in students
Guide students in reading for understanding, diverse viewpoints, and pleasure
Develop and maintain programs in Literacy and Research Skills (e.g., information, media, and digital literacy)
Teach ML or UL classes as needed (at least two ML electives or one UL semester-long class per school year)
Information Specialist for Middle and Upper Learning
Provide leadership in selecting, acquiring, and organizing diverse resources and technologies
Ensure equitable access and effective organization of library resources
Maintain a diverse collection, including online databases, eBooks, audiobooks, and print materials
Teach responsible research practices and support source evaluation, information gathering, and knowledge contruction
Advise on copyright, fair use, and intellectual property licensing
Ability to work with a wide range of abilities
Proficiency with contemporary and evolving technical tools, including but not limited to: Canva, Destiny cataloging systems, ProQuest and other databases, Noodletools, and applications such as Google Classroom and Springshare (LibGuides)
Specialized Skills and Knowledge:
Knowledge of back-office support as generally related to database systems is a plus
Experience with video production and design preferred