At The Harley School, we foster a thriving environment in which we all become our truest and best selves. Our values, both in school and beyond, are: community, academic excellence, joy in learning, wellness, and sustainability.
We believe children are innately curious about the world and joyfully engaged in it. Our faculty cultivate an environment of academic exploration, where taking risks, making mistakes, and engaging in constructive discourse are integral to intellectual growth. Sustainability is an essential element of the framework that drives curriculum and community decision-making in ways that allow us to care for the planet and each other. We encourage compassionate connection within a diverse community, where each individual is valued and supported to reach their full potential.
Harley’s breadth of educational opportunities provides an environment for innovation, creativity, and scholarly pursuits that set the stage for student contributions to the greater good while, as our motto states, they “Become What Thou Art.”